So what is it?

Competitive sport
Recreational outlet
Leisure pursuit
Intellectual experimentation
Financial investment
Spiritual enlightenment
Crafty pastime

Or .... is it just art?

"What is it ...........?" >>>>"It's ART!"
Overheard between two little old ladies at the Seattle Art Museum.


The Chess Board

As special interests, world powers, antagonists and peaceniks alike spin perspectives, position players, draw lines in the sand and point fingers at each other - we should all remember to look at the larger context of what is evolving - a world that has forever been at war but is closer to true peaceful dialog than ever before. Yes, we are being manipulated by events but we are also in a great position to influence them. Never before has the world been able to communicate in unison that it desires peace, never before has the citizenship of the planet had an equal chance to be heard and never before has the voice of peace been able to dim the cries of war by expressing it's collective power. On the chess board of life on planet earth, now is the time to make a move, one that tells humankind we are ready to resolve problems that effect each other rather then protect our own interests at the expense of another. That we are able to embrace a common understanding rather than ignore our common obligations. That we can build a better world of peace and love rather than one of fear and hate.

Work for a World Without Wars!

Alchemy of Living

I read about the mystics. I read about the Christians, the Buddhists, Taoists and Masons. I read about the bear Pooh. They all seem sane but crazed idealists reaching to give clues. Yet none are so bold as to say they know my way. That, it seems, is mine to find and the process of discovery holds the answer to living in the moment.

In this time of change and world conflict/evolution I hope we all are looking for the songs of enlightened voices giving clues to human kind.



Circles, Spirits and Theory of Relativity

Recent events and unrelated influences have found me exploring the connection of varied concepts only to find a common thread tying them together and leading onward toward new and divergent subjects. The PBS series of Bill Moyers interviewing Joseph Campbell was a wonderful exploration of the Power of Myths and was reshown during their last fund drive. As I listened to the stories and myths, I related them to a book my mother had given me a month ago - E=MC2. These seemingly unrelated topics became even more connected with a recent visit to the Seattle Art Museum and then a subsequent trip to the Seattle Asian Art Museum a few days later. It seems that the myths that have guided mankind to the current state of political, spiritual and social breaking point have evolved through different cultures and religions for thousands of years only to dance about the same themes, each evolving within their own context of myths and beliefs only to search for the same meaning from life - who are we and what is it all about? As I ponder these same questions on my own path I found kinship in a small discussion group during an evening gathering at a local cafe: whether looking for photographs to validate our creative voice, or writing poetry to share a deeper vision of our experiences, we seem to need the circle of life to find meaning. To have a foundation on which we can evaluate our experiences, to have a perspective to relate and contrast these experiences to, to have a sense of place and a sense of belonging  - whether country, community or companion  - the sharing within these circles is the power these myths give and without the understanding of where we have been, we cannot leave the circle and find new myths to share and create..... and so I ramble onward toward my path.....


Peace starts here!
I made this sticker the night the Gulf War broke out and as I watched the events unfold on September, 11 2001 I felt that the sentiment was as appropriate now as it was then - we need peace within our own lives and to help those within our realm of influence as much as we need to retaliate against those who wish us ill. One act of kindness can have a ripple effect more powerful than bombs and anger - PEACE

Reflections on Earthday 2004

Returning from the edge of the New World I found that I had not prepared myself for the changes that happen in two short weeks. A neighbor had built a large new shed next to my property, another has a new boat parked in their driveway. Down the alley new garages have their roofs on and across the way a home has sold and the 5-unit townhouse where one home used to be is nearly complete.

Two weeks….. another boat to feed, less light for a garden, a more populated neighborhood and less habitat for anything wild to grow or survive … two weeks.

I also found that after four years things had changed at the end of the New World. The tiny West Indies Island had a new international airport, newly paved roads accommodated more cars and the new deep water port brings in new goods along with plans for another golf course, fueling expectations for visitors and locals alike that more is better.

Four years … more cars to feed, less space to breath in the beauty we travel so far to appreciate and more tourists to consume the very essence of what we claim we want to preserve…. four years.

I return from a place with no television, no radio and no newspapers. Refreshed that the world is a quiet, peaceful, natural place. Where people still walk dirt roads to go to work and watch the sunset from humble shacks. That someone is still selling food grown in gardens, taking time to sing hymns with their neighbors, fly kites when the wind is good and take time to float in the warm water and watch the clouds roll by. But as I travel homeward the real world slowly closes in.

Two weeks or four years….. not much has changed. The headlines tell of hatred, the loudspeakers warn of raised security levels, the television screams of violence toward each other, toward nations, toward the environment and toward ourselves…. Not much has changed in two weeks or four years.

I hope it does tomorrow….. Peace.

Envy of our times


what a lense
what a hard drive
did you see the size of that printer?
if I had that I could do so much stuff....
and I could....
if I just had the time
the money
the gear

boy would I be great


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